I never knew I could physically hurt from someone leaving my life.
But trust me. It has taken its toll.
Life is worth living only because I know you will be back in time.
I couldn't imagine life without you before you left.
I am scared for the day when you return... don't get me wrong I want to be with you forever and always and never want to leave your side.
But I am scared. Scared that by the time you return instead of not being able to imagine life without you it will have turned into not being able to imagine you coming back...
i hope that day comes soon so that my heart can stop the hurt. stop the pain of not being by your side.
Home is where my heart is.
My heart is with you, but you are 1,237.24 miles away from me.
That is why my heart hurts. Its being stretched over miles and miles of land.
But it is worth it if a part of me gets to be with you.
I love you. To the moon and back. No matter the distance or circumstance I will always love you.