I miss the crayon days.
The days of no worries and popsicles.
The days of being a kid and not caring what people thought.
The days that I didn't care what I wore or how I looked.
The days that there was no body to impress.
The days that were long and the nights short.
The days that I could create whatever I wanted within the confines of my backyard.
The days that imagination ruled the world,
not polotics or homework.
the days that grammar didn't matter
and that people didn't judge my work and apply it to my personality
The days or running through the sprinklers with no present cares.
The days of snow cones and swimsuits.
The days of summer, but even still the days of winter were fun.
The days of no responsibilities and having fun.
The days of coloring with crayons and going outside of the lines
The days that I miss.
The days that I long for.
The days of crayons.
I miss the crayon days.
-Katie Lane
i miss the crayons days, too. let's bring them back.