Saturday, October 25, 2014

my fear is of me

I'm afraid.
afraid of you.
No, not OF you. But of losing you.
I couldn't bear the thought.
I know it won't happen unless... unless I make the choice of letting you go.
That is why it scares me... Because it will be my choice and I don't want to hurt you in any way.
I love you.
It makes me sick to think about even being around anyone else without you by my side.
In five years time will I be by your side?
It all depends on how I live my life.
Can I live up to the potential?
When you come home will I be on your level?
Will I be where I need to be to stay with you?
I don't want to drag you down, I want to be the one to lift you up.
You bring so much light and comfort to my life.
the least i could do is do the same for you.

My fear really isn't of you.
My fear is of me.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This hit me deep. I have the same fears for the girl that I love. When I return, will she still be there. Will we still have the same feelings we once had for each other. My heart hurts just thinking that WE wont be together. I am scared that I wont be enough for her. That I wont be able to provide for us. I fear of being with someone, and not being able to care for them. Love your blog Sydnee. Your the bomb dig a dee
